Rants, Recipes and Ramblings

Caribbean Chicken

Yet another recipe from this site.  With a name like “Caribbean Chicken” an expectation is set. I’m wondering if these recipes were created by someone from the mild mid-west where Taco Bell  “Mild” sauce is considered to be blistering hot. Basic seasoning is seriously lacking in some of these. I would recommend adding (which I have done so below) 1 tsp of Salt, 2 tsp of Crushed Red Pepper and 1 tsp of Black Pepper

Given the “tropical” promise of the name I used a Citrus seasoned Rice Vinegar in the Risotto and added diced Red and Orange Bell Peppers along with some crushed Macadamia nuts.

Mexican Lasagna

The original recipe I saw for this called for using flour tortillas. Yuck. That would be like cutting into a pan of soggy paper. Changed that out for Corn and added a topping of crushed corn chips.

2012 Pot O’Chili Recipe

No initial heat with a slow build so that when a good sized bowl has been consumed you will feel a little bit of warmth around your lips. Note: If you like some heat I would double the peppers - See more at: http://www.davesdroppings.com/index.php/2012-pot-ochili-recipe/#sthash.DY85LTvN.dpuf