Hanna: My Review
My review of the movie Hanna.
The girl that plays Hanna was interesting.
The action was good, the plot was disjointed and you really had to watch it to try to follow the leaps in logic.
I was wondering throughout the film why she was taken off into the woods. Yes, it provided a training ground for her reemergence but if her father was really seeking to protect her why not just disappear into society by hiding in plain sight?
From the ending it is obvious that there is the potential for a sequel. That, in and of itself may be part of the problem with modern films. The writers, directors, producers and studios leave the screenplay open with unanswered questions else how can the studio create a franchise? For the viewer it leaves you either with the sense of an unresolved story or great anticipation for the next installment.
If there is a sequel I’m glad that the two people that died at the end will not be around for the second film.
All in all it was ok and would probably see the sequel. However the review will need to be stellar to drag me to the theater and not wait for the film to arrive on Netflix. I could have certainly waited for this film be released on DVD and it is nowhere as good as Leon: The Professional a film that I certainly wish had provided a sequel. Natalie Portman could certainly update her role in that film to bring the story to the present.
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Bought in at 0.075 on 3/21 (UPDATE) also bought at .1798 on 4/15
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The Nazi-Socialist Utopia that is North Korea
The horror that is a the North Korean Nazi-Socialist state. Mao, Stalin, etc… were free thinking reformers by comparison.
The DOJ has lost focus…
The US Department of Justice certainly seems to have either lost their focus (I doubt it) or more probably (as I believe) they are simply announcing their new direction which is in simple contradiction to their actual purpose.
Consider this question.
Q: What is the difference between constitutional law, statutory law and common law?
A: There are three basic types of law in the United States:
- Constitutional law is the law in the U.S. Constitution and state constitutions. It includes such fundamental rights as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of expression etc. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. No law can be enacted that contravenes the provisions of the U.S. Constitution.
- Statutory law is law enacted by legislature. Congress, state and municipalities all have legislative bodies that make laws. It is created through a formal lawmaking process and codified in official text. ( Example: When the Legislature passes a bill, it is a Statutory Law.)
- Common law, began in England when law was derived from common practices. Common law includes “judge-made laws” and relies on judicial precidents (case law). Judges, thus, in their decisions are bound by precedent: the rulings of other judges in similar cases decided earlier. All the states except for Louisiana are common law states.
What has the US Justice Department done to indicate that they are no longer focused on enforcing and prosecuting the Constitutional Laws of the United States?
Now while publications are updated and changed (to include websites). The designs and elements that are chosen “should ” reflect the philosophy of the organization. The Justice Department recently did a makeover of their site.
Old Banner:
New Banner
It’s hard to see but the words at the top of the new banner say:
“The common law is the will of mankind, issuing from the life of the people.”
With the transition from English law, which had common law crimes, to the new legal system under the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited ex post facto laws at both the federal and state level, the question was raised whether there could be common law crimes in the United States. It was settled in the case of United States v. Hudson and Goodwin, 11 U.S. 32 (1812), which decided that federal courts (where the US Justice Department plies it’s trade) had no jurisdiction to define new common law crimes, and that there must always be a (constitutional) statute defining the offense and the penalty for it.
So… The Justice Department has no jurisdiction bringing Common Law cases so why have a quote about Common Law featured on the Public Entrance to your site?
Where did the phrase come from?
Well, it DID NOT come from someone subject to the Laws of the United States nor even someone affiliated with the Courts or the Justice System. It is atributed to C. Wilfred Jenks, a Brit and a former Director-General of the International Labour Organization from 1970 to 1973. International Labour!?
Where there no good quotes to be found from US Judges or former heads of the DOJ?
The Christian case for Mormon values
Pretty interesting Article/column on the rise of Mormon Politicians and how the religion is still viewed with suspicion
The Christian case for Mormon values
With former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney both believed to be gearing up for a run for the presidency, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has again found itself answering questions about what these two prominent members believe.
Post reporter Sandhya Somashekhar wrote in a story published Tuesday that Mormon leaders see the ascendancy of these and other Mormons (such as convert Glenn Beck) as a sign “that the community has finally ‘arrived,'” but added “researchers say there remains a deep mistrust of Mormons and that little has changed in public opinion to suggest that voters will be more open this year than they were in 2007.”
If conservative Christian and Mormons share a political agenda, why do suspicions still plague Mormon politicians? Do media personalities such as Glenn Beck help or hurt the cause?
God works in mysterious ways to perform His wonders. Old Testament prophets complained about the instruments God chose, but God went on being God despite their complaints. 2012 is likely to give Americans two serious candidates for president that are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). Many conservative Christians, for good and bad, get inspiration and information from Glenn Beck, who is also a member of the Church.
Should Americans be concerned? Bluntly, no, though those of us who are not Mormon should be depressed that such a small group has outworked, out thought, and out hustled us. Mormon success should spur traditional Christians, who outnumber Mormons by tens of millions, to do better.
Sadly ignorance of the LDS Church is widespread in our culture. Despite over a century of faithful citizenship and embracing family values, stupid stereotypes remain. Magically much of the media easily remembers Glenn Beck is Mormon, but keeps forgetting that Harry Reid is as well. Sacred garments on Christians and Jews are normal, but sacred garments on Mormons?
Southwestern Meatballs
Easy recipe that I came up with the other day.
1 lb Ground Beef
1 lb Ground Pork
1 can (4.5 oz) chopped Hatch Green Chilies
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp Ground pepper
1/2 can (1 lb 12 oz) Green Chile Enchilada Sauce
Oaxaca Cheese
Queso Fresco
- Mix the meats, salt, ground pepper and the chopped green chilies in a large bowl
- Form into 5 oz size meat balls
- Make a birdsnest in the meat ball and fill with Oaxaca Cheese. Seal the ball and place seam side down in a hot oiled skillet. Allow to sear for about 3 minutes then flip to sear the other side for 3 more minutes.
- Drain meat balls and place in a 2 liter casserole pan
- Cover the meat balls with 1/2 the can of Green Chile Enchilada Sauce
- Cover with tin foil and place in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes
- Remove the foil, place a slice of Queso Fresco on top of each meat ball and place the casserole back in the oven oncovered for 30 more minutes
Remove for oven and allow to stand for 10 minutes
Serving suggestion:
- Make two boxes of “Rice-a-Roni Mexican Style” Rice
- Prepare a bag of fozen corn. Add some black beans and salsa to taste.
Place a mound of the Rice in the middle of the plate and top with the corn. Place a meat ball in the center of the mound of rice and corn.
Note: This recipe made the ten meat balls I needed for the casserole AND allowed me some left over meat mixture use to make some burgers the next day
Sweet Potato Waffles with Nut Topping
This Recipe is from Taste of Home. While the original Recipe calls for making them as Waffles they work realy well and have a great “toothiness” as pancakes too.
2 cups biscuit/baking mix
2 tablespoons http://cialistadalafils.com/ brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1-1/3 cups 2% milk
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup canned sweet potatoes, mashed
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Dash salt
1 tablespoon water
Maple syrup
Dash ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
In a large bowl, combine the biscuit mix, brown sugar and spices. In another bowl, whisk the egg, milk, sweet potatoes, oil and vanilla. Stir into dry ingredients just until combined.
Bake in a preheated waffle iron according to manufacturer’s directions until golden brown.
Meanwhile, in a small skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add pecans and walnuts. Cook and stir for 2 minutes. Add the brown sugar, water, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg. Cook and stir until sugar is dissolved. Serve waffles with topping and syrup. Yield: 12 waffles.
Add some whip cream and a little more of the topping drizzled over it.
Fate or Path?
My Cousin posted an interesting observation and question on his site.
My comments back as to God and Fate were
From my own beliefs formed within the traditions of my specific Christian sect.
He is not his own son (that is just made up Nicene Creed doctrine with no prior foundation).
While he is concerned he also gave us free agency to determine our own path (not fate).
If we are his “children”, and I believe we are, then for what benefit would it be for use to be forced to do something and have our lives be determined by predetermined fate. That provides no learning.
Therefore if we are learning and gaining in intelligence during the short period we are on this Earth is the purpose to then die and do nothing by lay around in paradise for Eternity playing harps? That’s stupid.
It will be to incorporate what we learned here and add more knowledge in the next phase of our existence
Hmmm. Apparently the word “fate” has been reformulated to infer something other than what I intended it to mean. What is my fate? That which lies at the end of the path I choose for myself. Path? Fate? Same thing. What’s the next phase of our existence, Dave? Who can attest to this?
I did not (and do not) see that you had redefined the meaning of the word “fate”.Fate specifies that regardless of your action or inaction that the end result is predetermined. That is the polar opposite of being able to determine your pat…h and consequences through your own choices.
I do not believe that God has predetermined our fate. Even in my own tradition God did not predetermine Christ’s path. He could have chosen the path offered by Satan in the Wilderness.
Do your choices determine your fate? Nope. You could decide to go to law school. Does that mean you will be a lawyer or sit on the Supreme Court? Not hardly. You could get hit by a car on the way to class. Did your choice determine that fate? Only if by choice you include your the car you were driving and the road you were traveling on. Maybe the person that hit you was also on their way to school and were studying criminal justice to become a Cop. Was it their fate to cross the centerline and hit you head on? Only if you include their inattention to look down and pop in a different CD.
Path is the culmination of the totality of your journey. Fate (if you believe in it) takes the choices that made up the journey out of your hands rendering the choices meaningless.
Next phase? I know what my tradition, faith and belief indicates are the possibilities based on the choices I make on my path. Will that end up being reality? I don’t know. I am willing to to take things on faith.
If I have a road map that says take Freeway X to reach City Y and I have never been to City Y before do I know for sure that I will arrive at City Y? No, but I head down the entrance ramp to the Freeway in the belief and faith that I will arrive at my desired destination.
Can someone “attest” that City Y is really where I will end up? Sure. Do I know for sure? Nope. I have to take their “testimony” with faith that what they are attesting to is true.
Some people beleive their parents when they say the stove is hot. Others have to test and burn their fingers.
Medal of Honor Recipient Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez
Last week at the Phoenix Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter dinner our scheduled speaker canceled at the last minute. Our Treasurer brought an old inspirational VHS tape and we played that instead.
I offered to convert the tape to DVD so that it would be both easier to play as well as being able to better preserve the material.
Added some content to the end and made this flash file. Enjoy and be in awe that Men like Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez walk among us.
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Will unintended and willfully unplanned consequences bite California?
What does the clamor for Electic Cars like the Nissan Leaf from eco-nuts in California portend for your ability to blow out your coif, play your Xbox or stream a movie from Netflix.
Yes, California has addressed some of the real and the market manipulation causes to the rolling blackouts that affected the state in 2000 and 2001 but have they built enough power plants or built the infastructure to accomodate a fleet of electric cars?
Krugman the Hypocrite
I know that headline is repetitive.
The New York Times blogging Economist and noted Cat fancier Paul Krugman took after the “Right-Wing” in general and Palin in particular as being a root of cause for the sick individual that shot Rep Giffords.
Krugman should have stopped at his opening line. “We don’t have proof yet…” Anytime someone then presses on despite warning you up front that they are going to proceed to talk out of their ass you can be sure that the smell generated from their thought processes will carry a familiar stench.
Krugman proceeded to jump in the pile of shit that he was wanting to rub the Conservative nose in by daring to put the following words to paper.
“But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate. And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers.”
Hey Paul, let me draw your attention to another missive that you conjured from the depths of your schizophrenic mind. This time from 9/10/2008.
Notice anything about the photo you used?
Maybe you do suffer from a ?
My advice to you Paul… Stick to economics. That way you can limit being so wrong to just a single subject. Or better yet. Maybe you could get a gig
Cartoon that sums up Keynesian Economics
Collection of old Cartoons by the creator of Calvin & Hobbes.Â
Loved this one…
Opening bet on 2010
I’m thinking of betting that BHO circa 2012 will pull an LBJ circa 1968 (who actually just quoted Sherman circa 1884).
Wonder what odds a British bookmaker would give me this far out? Think Vegas or Atlantic City would take that action?
2010 Chili Recipe
This is the recipe for my entry this year in our Ward’s Chili Cook-off.
People (otherwise known as wimps) complained in the past that my other entries were too hot. I like heat as long as it is controlled and still allows the flavor to come through. This recipe has little to no heat however. I also like chili with beans and vegetables as opposed to a traditional Texas “bowl o’ red”.
- 4 lb Stew meat. Trimmed and cut into 1/2″ cubes
- 2 Sweet Onions, diced
- 2 Habanero Peppers, seeded and finely minced
- 32 oz Beef Stock
- 28 oz Crushed Tomatoes, 4 cans
- 15.5 oz Dark Red Kidney Beans, 2 cans, drained
- 15.5 oz Black Beans, 2 cans, drained
- 15.5 oz Whole Kernel Corn, 2 cans, drained
- 2 Tb Roasted Garlic, minced
- 5 Hatch Green Chilies, roasted, seeded and minced
- 2 Green Bell pepper, seeded and diced
- 2 Red Bell Pepper, seeded and diced
- 5 Tb Yucatan Sunshine Habenero Hot Sauce
- 7 Tb Chili Powder
- 2 Tb Colgin Mesquite Liquid Smoke
- 6Â Tb Salt
- 2 Tb Brown Sugar
Brown meat in a skillet lightly coated with oil, remove and add to kettle
Add onions and Habenero pepper to the skillet, lightly sweat the onions until just before they start to carmelize. Add to the kettle
Deglaze skillet with some of the Beef stock. Pour into the kettle
Add the rest of the Beef stock and the balance of the ingredients to the kettle
Heat to a slight boil over medium heat
Reduce heat to “Low to Medium” (closer to low), cover and stir occasionally.
Serve with some Honey Corn Bread
These two things always bug me…
1. Those that claim we live in a Democracy and
2. That Communist are on the left and Fascist are on the right.
This video provides a GREAT primer for those of you that make these mistakes
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A lap around AMP
In anticipation of Arizona Motorsports Park reopening this coming year for events I shot this video to use in the HPDE1 class I teach for NASA.
The lap was not done at “full” speed as the purpose is to show the line around the track to new strudents.
[media id=32 width=320 height=240]
PayGo. Just another Man behind the curtain
I’m so tired of hearing and reading about the Democrat passed “PayGo” legislation this past session. They trot it out as if it is the long awaited salvation to the spending binge that is Congress.
PayGo (if they actually honored it – and they have suspended the rule numerous times since passing it) is just treading water on a rising tide of red ink. The financing on those borrowed dollars still has to be paid. What difference does it make if you’re paying for bloated Budget item X out of Pocket A out of money “saved” because you stopped funding Project Y out of Pocket B.
It’s POINTLESS! Stop the bloody spending!
My friend Matthias Shapiro who runs the Political Math blog has put together some of the best visuals to show what a farce the budget is. The ONLY way to address the issue is to cut the “entitlement” spending.
This was his first video and the word iconic certainly fits.
[media id=31 width=320 height=240]
Think about that word. Entitlement. Now think about that word in relation to the oft quoted JFK:
And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
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