Pulp Western as Power Politics primer
In a PoliSci class I took my Freshman Year at BYU the Professor had the Louis L’Amour book “The Empty Land” on the assigned reading list. We all thought that was odd. Why would we be reading a pulp Western?
Well this morning as I was browsing the various news sites that I check I came across this article in Der Speigel which if you’ve read the “Empty Land” you completely understand. (In case the artricle no longer exists I grabbed a PDF copy: Der Spiegel-Obama-PowerPolitics
L’Amour may have used the renegade Frontier American West as a backdrop but the story is a primer on the use of Power Politics and how being a nice guy (the title of the Der Spiegel article is “Obama’s Nice Guy Act Gets Him Nowhere on the World Stage”) in the face of of others self interest will get you no where.
Mesa 12th Ward Primary Talent Show
Oliver Truschke breakdancing to a Cory Dew song
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Our Bishopric Playing “Three Blind Mice” and Primary Songs on the Trumpet.
Of Course the cute girl in the blue shirt wth the US Flag is one of my lovely daughters
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Andi showed a stuffed animal that she made.
Mail Server upgrade this coming weekend
Boat Trailer for Sale
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Sound of a Sick Kart
So after a one year and two month layoff from kart racing my son decided he want to stat running again.  He started racing when he was 9 and at 16 decided he wanted to take a break. After running for 7 ytears I think most of us would want to take a break.
Well just prior to calling a halt last year had purchased a new pump around setup (converted carb and dual fuel pump setup) to replace our stock carb using a TrackMagic “MagicCan” setup. We figured this was part of the problem we had at Sandia last year.
Installed the new carb setup, checked the kart over, replaced the brake pads, bled the system put fuel in it and headed to the track.
First session lasted two laps until he brought the kart in complaining that 1st and 2nd gear were fine but that the kart fell on it’s face when shifting to 3rd.
Checked the fuel system and determined that the issue had to be a problem with venting and that the new dual pump setup was over pressurinzing the system. Added a bigger vent tube and overflow catch tank for it.
Back out for the second practice session. Same problem. Back to the pits to work on the issue some more.
This time we addd more wire ties as we thought maybe we were sucking air into the system. Checked jetting and while we were a bit “fat” I did not want to add a “lean burn” to our issues since the day was looking like it was going to be a test session rather than an actual race.
Also did not bother with adjusting gear ratios!
Back out for the third session. Seemed a bit better except the muffler came loose from the pipe and rather then keep running an cause damage he brought it in to the pits for me to look at. Fixed the muffler and sent him back out to finish the session.
Back in the pits I checked the plug for color and it was very wet.
Pulled the carb. Lowered the needle, changed the pilot jet, kept the main jet, replaced the throttle cable and adjusted the pipe bracket (which had caused the pipe to seperate from the muffler).
Lined up dead last on the grid for the race. We had NEVER been in that position before.
At the drop of the Green Flag we we NOT left for dead. The wholesale changes had transformed the kart. Tyler was able to work his up the grid a bit and finished in 10th place in the 125cc Shifter class. A long way down the grid from what were are used to but at least the weekend was salvaged and hopefully we will be back up the grid at the next race in 4 weeks.
The camera on the kart was pointed too low but here is a few laps early in the day when we were fighting the probem. You can see Tyler raise his hands in frustration and signal that he is going slow.
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The Warrior Song
Now Available on iTunes. All profits donated to the Armed Forces Relief Trust. www.thewarriorsong.com
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Viper Crash at PIR
Back in 2002 I was the in-car instructor for a student in a Dodge Viper. I had a copy of the incident report on my old site along with a video of the incident. Over the years copies of this video have sprung up on websites all over the place.
Here is a better copy of that video along with the official report I files (with names redacted).
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Oh, that morning one of the other instructors had a camera crew up on the roof of the Buddy Jobe suites at the end of the front straight testing out a new HD Camera. That’s why the video is in “wide-screen”
Text of the Report that I filed about the incident (names removed)
Analysis of On-Track Incident at Phoenix International Raceway €“ November 30, 2002
Student: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Scottsdale, AZ
Vehicle: 2000 Dodge Viper Roadster
The morning began with an on-track “station-wagon” session. During this low speed introductory event I took Mr. Xxxxxxxx out for a ride in my 1988 Porsche 944 to show him the line that would be presented to him in the classroom and to show him some of the points of interest that he should pay particular attention to. In particular I showed him the areas that I always stress during these ride-along sessions:
- The need to late apex T2
- The importance of treating T7 as a constant radius, even though the track looks like it is moving out and in on you, so that T8 is a non-event.
- The Proper line through NASCAR 3 and 4 so as to not run the risk of getting to high on the track where there are €œmarbles€ and to not get to low so as to stay above the yellow and white line on the exit of T4. During one of the laps I actually took him below the white line so that he could feel the transition and explained what to do if he were to find himself in that area.
- Told him that every student drives through the Oval the first couple of times at around 60 miles an hour which in turn helps to keep them below our established speed limit.
- Showed him that he is to carry his speed through T1 and use the NASCAR pit boxes between T1 and T2 as his breaking and downshifting area.
When the students were released from their first classroom session I was waiting outside and seeing Mr. Xxxxxxxx I asked him if he had an instructor to ride with him yet. He did not, so I climbed into his car and directed him to drive up to the grid in the cold pits to wait for his session to begin.
While sitting in his car waiting to be released to go on track I asked him some questions about his car and how long he had owned it. He indicated that this was his second Viper and that he had not done any schools before but that he had driven on PIR during a ride around session during a Grand-Am event.
As I normally do I reiterated to him that this was not a race session and that we would not be allowed to pass on the corners, just on the designated straights and that there was an established speed limit on the front straight of no more than 100 miles per hour. I told him the saying that I tell every student and prospective student, “you drove the car out here and you want to drive it home”, therefore, “only drive the car to the level that you feel comfortable doing ” don’t push it.
With that said we eventually headed out onto the track. The first four or five laps were uneventful and I found myself quite impressed that by the second lap he appeared to have mastered the concept of T7, albeit at a fairly low speed but on the line nonetheless. He was driving correctly through the pit boxes between T1 and T2 even though some of the cars in front of us were off this line. His entrance to T2 was not quite late enough but was starting to get better with each lap as he saw the benefit to turning in later each time as I explained to him upon exiting T3.
Eventually we found ourselves with only one car, a BMW Z3, in front of us as we exited T9 onto the Oval and Mr. Xxxxxxxx stayed low on the exit and the Z3 stayed high to wave us by when we passed. This would be his first trip down the front straight were he was not following another student or Novice Street Session driver. He transited through the Oval at almost 70 miles per hour with a comfortable line and speed that did not present any noticeable feelings on the senses. Once onto the front straight he opened up the throttle a bit but maintained the established speed limit. In fact he indicated later, although I did not actually feel it, that he brushed the brakes once to stay under this limit.
On turn-in for T1 he put in the clutch and I believe went down from fourth to third and then second and let out the clutch before I could say anything. As soon as he let the clutch back out the rear end locked up and around the car came. I then found us sliding passenger side first toward the wall and the T1 worker area. At first I thought we were going to miss the wall and if Mr. Xxxxxxxx had moved the wheel slightly with the direction of the spin to bring the nose back around rather than into the spin try and stop it we would have. As it were we hit with a glancing blow and came to a rest a short distance away and on the gore area between the transition of NASCAR 1 and the Road course T1 facing toward the rest of the cars coming through T1 and looking out through the now raised hood of the vehicle.
I restrained Mr. Xxxxxxxx from exiting the vehicle until the corner workers had secured the area with yellow flags (which were out and waving immediately) and that the emergency crew had arrived to act as a roadblock for us with the wrecker. Once they arrived and parked in front of us I allowed Mr. Xxxxxxxx to exit the vehicle.
While waiting in the vehicle for the above to occur I gave the corner workers a €œthumbs-up€ to indicate that we appeared to be ok and uninjured and started the debrief with Mr. Xxxxxxxx when he asked “what did I do wrong?” I told him that the incident was caused due to his downshifting as he entered T1. He indicated to me that “no one” had told him not to do that. I did not argue with him as that was not the time or place given his current state of mind and agitation but I know that I mentioned it during the station wagon session as this is part of my normal delivery during those sessions and I know that this is a topic of one of the slides during the PowerPoint presentation in the first classroom session.
Once out of the vehicle we were checked over by the Ambulance Crew and Mr. Xxxxxxxx was actually transported back to the infield while they took his vitals and filed out there evaluation sheet on him. I stayed out to walk Ralph Evans and Gene Felton through a quick review of what had happened and looked at the point of impact with the T1 wall. I then walked back to the paddock area to collect Mr. Xxxxxxxx from the ambulance crew and sit him down for a bit of a more formal debriefing.
I took him to the picnic table by Mr. Mort’s mobile canteen and bought him a Coke to help settle his nerves. About this time the wrecker crew showed up with his car and I left him to find a spot for them to set it down and to get borrow some jack stands to set the nose on so as to make it easier to pick backup later when the car would be transported out of the facility.
When I returned to Mr. Xxxxxxxx he had already talked to Al Box of Fat Albert Auto Body about having his car transported to his facility for repairs and a wrecker had been called to come collect the vehicle.
Mr. Xxxxxxxx and I continued our debriefing as to what caused the incident and I collected his personal information so that I could prepare this report for him and for ASRA.
I told him that he because he had slower cars in front of him for his previous trips down the front straight they had helped to modulate his speed, braking and line to the point that he had not had an issue before the incident since he had not actually been able to get up to the speed limit and therefore had not needed to actually brake as much as he found himself needing to do once he was out front.
Once we had concluded our talk I took Mr. Xxxxxxxx over to meet with Ralph Evans so that an Incident Report could be completed and so that Ralph could assist Mr. Xxxxxxxx – in properly reporting this drivers school incident to his insurance carrier for coverage.
David W. Riddle
ASRA Driving Instructor 11470
SCCA National License 286699
HPDE1 Class
As mentioned in a previous post on this site I teach the HPDE1 class for NASA here in Arizona. A Few months ago I thought I would try and record a video of the class. This is it. The volume is a bit low so you will want to crank your speakers if you want to hear it.
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[Update 1]
A Student asked for a copy of the track slideshow. These are PDF files for PIR and Firebird Main
Firebird Main (8.5MB)Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â Â PIR (38.5MB)
Old TV Commercial
“Back in the day” when I was an investor in a Pool Construction company (outlined in this sordid tale) we did a TV Commercial. Stumbled across an old copy of the video (without the audio track).
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Alternate settings for your mail client
Political Math does a MMA-type take down on Paul Krugman
One of my favorite bloggers rips apart Paul Krugman’s nonsense defending the Obama budget busters
Key graphs…
“…If you look at the 1945 budget with the single question �How are we going to reduce our debt?� you can identify the major problem. It�s the defense budget, which is almost 90% of the budget. Interestingly, reducing the defense budget is exactly what we did in order to reduce the debt, cutting it over 80% in 3 years (it helped that we won the war).
As a contrast, President Obama�s solution to reducing overall spending is� well, I don�t think he really has a plan. His projected budget in 2016 has reduced the defense budget as a percentage of the overall budget from 20% to 14%, but military spending isn�t what is killing us. The president has no plans to reduce mandatory spending whatsoever. In fact, his only change to entitlement spending is to increase it…
…(By the way� if you would like to blame the debt load on the Iraq war, you should know that those costs have raised our debt by 5% of the GDP. Comparing this to WWII, which raised our debt by 70% of the GDP, is a pretty weak argument.)”
Political Math could also has discussed how the US Industrial base was intact and functioning compared to the most of the rest of the World. We could make things and sell them to ourselves (pent up demand from the Depression and WWII) as well as the rest of the rebuilding world.
Mail Server upgrades complete
Mail Upgrade in process
Summit Mail Server upgrade this weekend
Diet Change
Since stopping the PSMF Diet back on 5/17 (91 days ago) I have done nothing to maintain the diet. I figured that I would put some of the weight back on and wanted to see what would happen. I was down to 175 when I went off the diet and within about a month I had put the expected 10 lbs back on and was at 185. I have been bouncing around that weight ever since.
The new goal is to jump back on diet for a few weeks coupled with some moderate exercise to get the weight down to my original goal 165. The exercise regime will consist of a brisk 15 minutes walk on the treadmill in the morning and the evening along with 10-20 push-ups and sit-ups.
Once hitting the goal weight and coming off the diet I will maintain the treadmill regime to see if that keeps the metabolism buring to slow the of gain to the 175 and then to maintain that weight.
Health video idea
Submitted this idea to the guy behind the great videos at Political Math
1. Total US Population
2. Number of the “uninsured”
3. Subtract out those that don’t want to buy insurance (have the money but don’t want to buy it, young and invincible, etc…)
4. Subtract out the “undocumented”
This leaves the actual number that the charity of a government/public benefit might be applicable too.
5. Subtract out the number that are already eligible for public health care but have not signed up for whatever reason
Now we have a number that we can deal with.
What is the esitmated number of individuals and families in that group?
What would the cost be to purchase a typical individual or family HMO type health policy for that number? Compare that pile of pennies to how big the pile of pennies that Obama, Pelosi, etc.. are trying to push.
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