Dave's Droppings

Rants, Recipes and Ramblings

Typical Weekend w/ NASA

About once a month I instruct High Performance Driving for the Arizona Region of the National Auto Sport Association (NASA).  This is what a typical day at the track is like…

After signing up for the class (and getting a NASA membership) you show up to the track we are running at (PIR, Firebird, etc) around 6-7am.  Take your car through tech inspection (checking battery tie down, tires, etc…) and then attend the morning drivers meeting at about 7:45am.  The “Driver’s Meeting” is where the day’s schedule will be discussed and any important information relayed.  Then that meeting will break up to allow the smaller individual groups (HPDE1, HPDE2, HPDE3, HPDE4, Time Trials, Race, etc…) to meet with their group leaders.  At this time I’ll take the HPDE1 students to the classroom for their first session.

In the first class we go over track etiquette, flags, how to sit in the car, adjust mirrors, etc… and go over track photos and a track video.  Basic info to keep you safe on track.  This classroom session is normally around 1 hour 15 minutes.

The student then will go on track for the first of three 30-minute sessions.  The in-car instructor will drive the students car for the first 10-minutes of this first session.  He will not be driving it fast.  Figure if flat out driving is 10/10ths the instructor will drive at about 4/10ths.  The idea is so that he can feel what your brakes, suspension, etc… feels like as well as point out the references points and track features that were discussed in class. Then they pull into the Hot Pits and swap drivers so that the student will drive for the final 20-minutes of that session.

Back to Class for the second classroom session where we go over apexes, vehicle dynamics etc… and discuss things that happened on track in the first session.

Back on track for another 30-minute track session with the student at the wheel for the entire time.

Back to the Classroom for a debriefing session and to get their logbook that the in-car instructor will fill out and sign after the third (and final) 30-minute track session.

NASA has four levels for street cars.  Level 1 is the beginner class. Passing only on the main straight and preferably with a point by from the car being passed.
Level 2 is the next rung.  Just like in Level 1 there are limited passing zones but the speeds can be significantly faster.
Level 3 has passing anywhere on track.
Level 4 is the only DE group with laps being timed.  The drivers in DE4 are competing against the clock.  It’s called a Time Trial but figure it being like an Auto Cross on a road course with multiple cars on the track at the same time.

Graduating the DE1 class with a signed off logbook moves you into DE2.  To move from DE2 to DE3 you ask the DE2 Group Leader if you can move up and if he thinks you are ready he or one of his assistants will give you a check ride.  You then present yourself to the DE3 Group Leader and either he or one of his assistants will give you another check ride to determine whether they will accept you into their group.  This keeps drivers from moving up that should not and also allows the Group Leaders to demote a driver to the lower group if they need to work on skills.

Besides the four DE groups there are also 2-3 race groups (grouped by horse power) as well as the occasional drift group that comes out a few times a year.


The DE1 class is a High Performance Driving Class.  It is not a racing school.  Different concepts and theory.  What is taught in the DE1 class will certainly help you be a better and more aware driver on the street.  As for the equipment you need for the class.

Helmet. Yep.  It does not have to be a SNELL rated fire proof racing helmet.  It can be a regular DOT motorcycle class helmet. Full face or open Face.  But not one of those “Shortie” helmets you see some wanna be Hog riders or Vespa/moped (hehe…) riders wear.

No need for a drivers suit.  Jeans and a long sleeve shirt are fine.  No open toed shoes.  Tennis Shoes or a nice flat bottomed “driving” loafer.  As long as they are comfortable and not bulky.  You want to be able to feel the throttle and brake pedals.

Gloves?  Required no. However, I would recommend them for grip purposes but they don’t need to be fireproof racing gloves.  You could wear some old British Car correct string-back gloves.

Seatbelt.  Yes.  Racing harness?  No.  I’m not sure on tech but I would expect that a simple lap belt would not be sufficient.  At least a typical three point belt  (across the lap and over one shoulder) like that found in most cars is all that is required.

Rollbar?  Has not been required.  Typically, they would probably ask that you put up the top on a convertible.

My oldest Daughter took the class last year on her 17th Birthday.  She drove her automatic transmission BMW 528e for the class.  Typically the students in the class are male (although we generally have 1-2 females per class*) and are driving their street car.  BMW, Honda, Mazda, Vette, etc…  But I have had a student in a Pickup truck and even had a lady take the class in her Nissan Xterra SUV.  Last month I had students in a brand new Ford GT (belching 2 feet of flame when the driver lifted off the gas for turn 1) and a Ferrari 360 Spyder.  They were sharing the track with other DE1 students in an old Datsun 240Z and a Subaru WRX.  Tremendous mix of cars.  No speed limit but restricted passing zones.  Typical class will have about 18 students.

* I prefer to be the in-car instructor for the female students myself as they don’t tend to bring too much ego to the car and “think” they already know how to drive.  They are willing to listen and therefore make progress across the day without lots of bad habits to try and break.

PSMF Recipe – Pork loin with whole tomatoes

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

5 oz Pork Loin (6 pieces)
2 28 oz Cans Whole Fire Roasted Tomatoes
1/4 C Apple Cinder Vinegar
1 8 oz Can Tomato Paste
4 cloved Minced Garlic
1 t garlic Powder
2 t Italian Seasoning
1 Large Onion

Pan sear the pork loins in a pan sprayed with PAM.  Remove the pork from the pan, turn the heat down to Med-Low and add in the Cider Vinegar to deglaze the pan.  Put the rest of the ingredients into the pan and blend together to mix the spices.  Put the Pork loin pieces back into the pan pushed down into the sauce.  Cover and allow to simmer for 15 minutes.

You can always add additional veggies like whole mushrooms, etc…

PSMF Recipe – “Mock” mashed Sweet Potatoes (Carrots)

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

This is another PSMF take on a holiday sidedish favorite of mine.  Mashed Sweet Potatoes using Carrots

5 Large Carrots cut into chunks
1/2 t Ground Cinnamon
2 packets NatraTaste Sweetener
2 T “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” spray

Boil or steam the Carrots until tender.  Place softened carrots n Food Processor and add the Cinnamon, Sweetener and Butter spray.  Mix until smooth.  Salt and Pepper to taste.

Serve with a pan seared Turkey breast filet.

Also very tasty to blend in some Habanero hot sauce to serve with a “Mexican” inspired meal to kick up a nice blend of heat and sweet

Week 9 – PSMF Diet and Resulting Weight Loss

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

The following table lists the meals I had on this diet and the weight that the scale showed in the AM (before breakfast). 04/17/09 – 04/24/09

Little bit better week. Stayed in Ketosis – not in Moderate Ketosis like the first 7 weeks  – but at least did not drop out of Ketosis as happend a couple times over the past two weeks!  Hopefully the final push to my goal of 175.  Ended the week at 182!

[table “9” not found /]


PSMF Recipe – Turkey Tacos

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Turkey Tacos BigOven - Save recipe or add to grocery list Yum
  1. Brown the Meat over medium-high heat then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. Continue to cook for 3-5 more minutes.
  2. Serve as a lettuce wrap and top with Pico de Gallo
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Protein Sparing Modified Fast

2.5 lbs Ground Turkey

Brown the Turkey and add the following “Taco Seasoning Mix”

2 t Morton Hot Salt
2 T Chili Powder
1 t Garlic Powder
1 t Ground Cumin
2 t Onion Powder
4 T Apple Cider Vinegar
2 T Dried/Chopped Onions

Serve with leaves of crispy Iceberg Lettuce leaves (as a wrap) or in a bowl with shredded lettuce as a salad.  Top either preparation with a “Pico de Gallo” and some hot sauce to taste.

Pico de Gallo

6 med  Tomatos, diced
1 med Onion, diced
1/4 C Cilantro, chopped
Garlic powder, to taste
Salt, to taste

A tasty way to enjoy this recipe:
3 oz of the Turkey meat mixture served over 2 oz of Mixed Lettuce leaves topped with 1 oz of the Pico de Gallo with 1 T of Walden Farm’s Blue Cheese Dressing.  Sprinkle with Hot Sauce to taste.

Week 8 – PSMF Diet and Resulting Weight Loss

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

The following table lists the meals I had on this diet and the weight that the scale showed in the AM (before breakfast). 04/11/09 – 04/17/09

Has still not been a very good week diet wise. Kept dropping in and out of Ketosis! Almost thought my scale was broken and would not go below 185. Finally at the end of the week it broke through 185 to let me end the week at 184.

[table “8” not found /]


PSMF Recipe – Orange Glazed “Candied” Carrots

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

This is a PSMF take on a holiday sidedish favorite of mine.  Candied Carrots with an Orange Glaze

1 Can (14.5 oz) Sliced Carrots
1 T “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” spray
1/4 t Orange flavored Extract
1 packet NatraTaste Sweetener
Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine the above and mix well.  Place in fridge for 1-2 hours to marinate.  Heat in the microwave or over low heat until desired temp.

Week 7 – PSMF Diet and Resulting Weight Loss

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

The following table lists the meals I had on this diet and the weight that the scale showed in the AM (before breakfast). 04/04/09 – 04/10/09

Has not been a very good week diet wise.   Had some meals and made some food decisions that either took me out of Ketosis or dropped me down to just a trace.  Will need to redouble my efforts to get back on track this week!  Go to get below 185 and back on track to my goal of 175!

[table “7” not found /]


2009 is 1934 all over again…

Things that make you go “hmmmmmm…… haven’t we seen this show before?”


Bios of those pictured in the wagon.  From Left to right:

Richberg, who was the second head of the NRA famously said “A nationally planned economy is the only salvation of our present situation and the only hope for the future”.

Richberg also said…

There is no choice presented to American business between intelligently planned and uncontrolled industrial operations and a return to the gold-plated anarchy that masqueraded as “rugged individualism.”…Unless industry is sufficiently socialized by its private owners and managers so that great essential industries are operated under public obligation appropriate to the public interest in them, the advance of political control over private industry is inevitable”

That sure sounds like what Obama and Geithner are doing today.  One very ironic thing about the Supreme Court striking down the NRA as unconstitutional was a quote from Huey Long (whom, like Obama has been compared reffered to as a populist.)

“I raise my hand in reverence to the Supreme Court that saved this nation from fascism”

As Jonah Goldberg in his book “Liberal Fascism” pointed out.  Fascism is a Liberal state of being – not Conservative. 

The “Brain Trustreferred to on the sign on Tugwell’s back

Of course the really unfunny item is that the sign says they are grads from Columbia and Harvard.  Hmmm… Where did Obama go to school?

PSMF Recipe – Zucchini Oven Fries

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

2 medium zucchini cut into 1/4-inch square 3-inch long french fry-like sticks (scape the seeds from the zucchini)
Pam cooking spray
1 T dried Oregano
1 T ground Cumin
1 T Grill seasoning

Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.
Arrange zucchini on nonstick cookie sheet. Spray zucchini with cooking spray. Combine spices and sprinkle over the zucchini fries. Place in very hot oven and cook 15 to 18 minutes.

PSMF Recipe – Turkey Chili

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

Turkey Chili

2 Lb Ground Turkey
1 L Onion (diced)
Salt and Pepper to taste

2 10 oz Cans Diced Tomatoes
1 14 oz Can Crushed Tomato
1 6 oz Can Tomato Paste
2 T Hot Sauce
6 T Chili Powder
2 cloves (minced) Garlic
1 T Garlic Powder
2 T Wocestershire
2 T Lemon Juice
1 10 oz Can Water

Saute Turkey and diced onion until brown.

Add Turkey and onions to sauce pot with the balance of the ingredients.  Bring to a boil then turn heat to low, cover and allow to simmer for 1 hour.

Serve over steamed vegatables or garish with chopped/grated cabbage for some additional “crunch”

Week 5 – PSMF Diet and Resulting Weight Loss

Protein Sparing Modified Fast

The following table lists the meals I had on this diet and the weight that the scale showed in the AM (before breakfast). 03/21/09 – 03/27/09

[table “5” not found /]


Marks on 4/2 and 4/15 on this chart are goal weights not actual readings