Korea BusinessWorld Magazine
Years ago I was a Reporter/Copy Editor for Korea BusinessWorld Magazine in Seoul. I found a stack of old issues and decided to scan and put the pages I wrote in these issues into PDF format.
The size of the PDF’s are rather large as the article portions were scanned at “actual” size with a B/W DPI suitable for OCR if I wanted to do so later. The Covers and Mastheads of each issue were scanned at a lower color DPI and resolution.
November 1988 (size = 10.2 MB)
December 1988 (size = 15.1 MB)
January 1989 (size =Â 33.1 MB)
Anti-Mormon drivel
It amazes me the time, energy and effort that the the hate-fill Anti-Mormon’s put into trying to tear down my Religion.
In the wake of Romney’s “Religion in America” speech the looney’s have really come out in force. Reading the postings and especially the comments on Townhall.com one would think it was not a site for politics but a site to discuss Religion.
This morning Kevin McCullough posted an Anti-mormon “Hit Cartoon” from Youtube on his site and said…
“This clip explaining the origins of humanity from the Mormon perspective is over 626,000 views already on YouTube alone. AlterNet (a religious site) and HotAir (a news/pop culture/politics site) are presently linking to it.”
As if somehow saying that this guy over here is saying something so it must be true or that since six hundred thousand people have looked at it must be true.
I posted a comment that reads…
This video is 100% anti-Mormon.
Back in 1980 when we were living in Savannah (I was in HS and Dad was stationed at Hunter Army Air Field) my Mom brought home an Anti-Mormon book that a “concerned” friend at work had given her. She and I had a fun an enlightening evening going through it laughing out loud at how disenginious this hate-filled diatribe was.
We took that Anti-Mormon book and all the Source material it referenced and compared them. Were the words of the Anti-Mormon book to be found in the Source material? Sure. However, the context they were trying to force the words into was nowhere to be found. Sometimes it would be a sentence followed by an ellipses then another sentence. Problem was those ellipses represented compete sentences and/or words that conveyed real meaning
If I did the same thing with my words in the first paragraph above I could get them to say:
“Mom brought home an Anti-Mormon book that a “concerned” friend had given her. She and I had… an enlightening evening going through it…”
The “words” are indeed what I wrote but the meaning is entirely changed.
Same with this “video”.
Kevin, I am dissapointed in you. Shouldn’t you have made even the pretence of checking on the athentiticy of it before posting it on your site? What’s differenent about the way you presented this then what the “Left” did in saying Rush called any soldier that disagreed with him a “Phony Soldier”. A thimble of truth can be poured into a 50 gallon drum, but it does not mean that the 50 gallon drum is filled.
The amount of hate and dissinformation is truely stark.
More Demagogue Ron Paul Supporters run and hide
Two other Ron Paul acolytes turned tail and headed for the hills. Damn varmints.
 This from the guy that challenged me to debate. In inestimatable “Tiger” who can’t stand the heat
Yes, I’ve seen part of that movie … I’m gonna watch it again when I get more time … also …I blocked that dumbshit also …
Also RedGranite – most of these freaks seem to hide behind email addresses and don’t sign their emails.
j p, no disrespect to your friend, but it sounds like this guy is addicted to fighting, look at all the warriors in his family. There is no reasoning with him, he has blinders on, to each their own, let him think his thoughts, and you think yours…no sense wasting anymore time on such narrow minded people that only know war.
I had to tell JP what I thought of his “friends”.
Where Ron Paul Supporters learn history
That silly, sad fromer State Representative sent the following email to me (her words are in blue) about how the Ron Paul people decided to hitch their Candidate to that treasonous traiter Guy Fawkes. I had a field day with that one…
Yeah, V for Vendetta was a fantasy comic book. By the way the character “V” is an “anarchist revolutionary” that wears a Guy Fawkes mask. I think anarchist revolutionary is a good definition for a Terrorist. Don’t you?
So are you saying that Ron Paul (or his supporters) using the “mask” of Guy Fawkes to raise money are doing so in the name of Anarchy?
YOU could also ask him to rent the move “V” it is similar to Guy Folkes day.
Wag the dog is another I am told.
Nope. Not even close. The irony of course is that the movie came out less then a month before Bill Clinton and Monica became an item. Let’s start a war to distract the people about a Sex Scandal.
Another frightened Ron Paul supporter
Had another Ron Paul supporter (this one a former State Representative here in AZ challenge me about Ron Paul. She too tucked her tail and ran.
THE woman who is speaking has breast cancer that has invaded the bone  so she has little to loose in telling the truth.Â
She was & is a journalist and covered the UN for some time. She is a real person I have emailed her.here is another one that will be enlightening. There is a third so you will be well rounded after you watch them all Naomi Wolf is her name if you want it I will try to send it to you. Good luck on your journey for what you feel is the truth.
I responded with
Joan Veon is interesting and I have seen her writings on WorldnetDaily from time to time – although I admit to not reading all or even most of her stuff. I have a problem with people that espouse the Global Conspiracy mantra. Do I think that “some” of the things the conspiracy theorist talk about is happening. Sure. But is it due to a group getting together in a smoke filled blackened room somewhere. Setting an Agenda and then sending out the word to their minons in the press and elsewhere? No. I subscribe to Occam’s Razor: “All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.” In this context I think most people are just to lazy to read and understand what is going on – that includes the people in the press who are just like everyone else.
A good friend of mine (and with whom I rarely agree with him on anything besides the time of day) is a former AP Reporter of the Year, was heard for years on both KTAR and then KFYI is now working for Janet Napolitano. I have worked as a reporter/editor for Newspapers and Magazines. While for the most part they are indeed guilty of group think it seems to b more out of laziness and a desire to get along then anything else. That’s not to say there are not “true believers” but in their belief is a desire to make the world as they see it and want it to be.
Ron Paul Supporters – Lying Foul mouthed jerks afraid to debate
After I pointed out to another Ron Paul supporter that his friend Tiger was the one usig foul language not I and that it was Tiger that had challenged me to look at the Ron Paul ra-ra sites and Ron Paul’s record. Well Tiger tucked tail and ran. He says he is 76 yars old. Sounds more like he is 7 or 6.
Well … you started it … an insult is still an insult no matter what ‘words’ are used … words are just words … nothing more … it depends on what you make of them … I chose my words very carefully because they demonstrated my opinion and common meaning … as to your positions on Ron Paul …I can neither say yea or nay on them because they are your opinion … and everybody is entitled to their own opinion and this country was founded on freedom of speech … regardless of whether you agree or disagree … wars have been fought for that right …I honestly don’t have time to continue this debate … I’m 76 years old and have better things to do with my time that to engage in useless rhetoric that will get neither of us anywhere … I give up … you win … nuff said …
I started nothing. I sent a personal email to John Pierce in reply to a bogus non-story that the “Military” supports Ron Paul. John forwarded that onto his list and the first sentence out of your fingers to me was “You tell that piece of shit that wrote that about Ron Paul that he is really full of it”. How did I “start anything with you? Before your verbal broadside I had not had the displeasure of making your acquaintance.
Wow – A Ron Paul Supporter that doesn’t need Meds!
I finally got a Ron Paul supporter that is able to ask.discuss in a Civil manner. Very refreashing. I guess they do exist.
 I am a Ron Paul supporter. I see that you and your father are not. I support him for one reason only. I see him as the only one running for President, either from the Republican side or the Democrat side who would change the status quo. From reading your posts, I believe you feel that any other
Actually I see him locking the status quo in even tighter. As an “outsider” that earned the name Dr. No by his own “colleagues” they will have little interest in working with him since he will be unwilling (and has always legislated that way) to settle issues in a win/win fashion. Again, legislation (just like marriage) is a give and take.
I will be teaching high performance driving at Phoenix International Raceway in the morning and crewing for my son’s shifter kart race at Firebird Raceway on Sunday. I’m sure my wife would rather have me here at the House doing honey-dos this weekend. I certainly don’t hehe…. We compromise. I have to bring dinner home.  That’s a win/win. I get to go play and she doesn’t have to cook dinner.
 Republican candidate would change things. It sounds like you would like to see things change. Which candidate has anything different to offer, other than Paul?Â
Of course I would. However to me the BIGGEST and most IMPORTANT role that the President plays is who he appoints (and can get confirmed – again a compromise) to the Supreme Court. Everything else that happens in the Congress is a compromise. Therefore, I would rather have a Republican appointing Judges like Roberts, Alito, Scalia or Thomas than a Democrat appointing more Ginsburg’s or Breyer’s. You can’t know for “sure” how a Judge will rule when he gets to the bench but you have a pretty good idea. The Sainted Ronald Reagan got it right with one (Scalia) but wiffed it with his other two picks (O’Connor and Kennedy). Bush I split his two picks with Souter and Thomas but Bush II got it right with Roberts and Alito. Looking at who the Dem would pick they are ALL bad options as far as I’m concerned.
Ron Paul Supporters – foaming at the mouth (updated)
The deranged Ron Paul support that goes by the handle “Tiger” (he’s more of a kitten actually) challendged me to look at Ron Paul’s record and where he stands on the issues. He wanted me to give him a single issue where I disagreed with Ron Paul.
Here was is inane email to me intermixed inside an email that I had sent him. Again his words are in red and blue as they were in his reply – caution excessive profanity.   I answered just as he asked which is found below.
Well, this debate is over after I finish what I have left to say … first of all someone once said in so many words … ‘to argue with fools is to debase yourself’ and I feel that’s what I’m doing to continue this BS with you …
- First of all your family didn’t do any more for this country that mine did … my father and uncle served in WW2 … my grandfather served in WW1 … my son is on his 4th trip to Iraq and my brother and I served in the korean war … that family emotional stuff is just so much bull shit … what facts have you presented to back up such a stupid statement … so fuck you and the horse you rode in on …
- we have lived well I will admit … but that is because we have worked hard all our lives to accumulate a little comfort and peace of mind … after all I worked my way through college for almost 10 years … no gov’t help either … not one single loan … so fuck you and the horse you rode in on …
- And if you would come up with some ‘facts’ that I could refute … maybe this diatribe would be worth pursuing, however … you haven’t put any facts or anything material out there that are worth discussing … just a bunch of name calling and trying to ruin a good and honest man by trying to associate him with criminals and terrorists … so fuck you and the horse you rode in on …
- No need to answer this post because you are blocked my man … you are blocked where your belong … in the trash bin with the rest of your stupid bull shit statements … not facts but simply aspersions …
- Have a bad day and crawl back in the hole you’ve been living in …
- I have more to say below …
- Continue reading
Ron Paul Supporters – Cutting their Nose off…
That same deranged Ron Paul Supporter wrote to show that he is happy to cut his nose off.
Hey John … here’s a something about your vote not counting … my theory about that is this … take a look at the videos …
1. If I vote for the ‘normal’ favorite candidate and he wins or loses … either way I’ve pissed off my vote because it is not something I really think is good for the country … it’s sorta the lesser of two evils … however, …
2. If I vote for the candidate of my choice … Ron Paul … my vote counts if he wins … if he loses … I’m no worse off that if one of the favorites win … but again … by some stroke of fortune if he wins … WE ALL WIN …
3. Our votes don’t really count anyway … it’s all rigged … LOL …
Just my 2cents worth …
So I responded with…
Ron Paul Supporters – Seemingly off their meds
Some deranged Ron Paul supporter (but then I repeat myself) interjected himself into an email conversation thinking I was talking to him. His words are in red (they were in red in the original email to me too)
Since you are obviously mentally challenged I’ll help you along.
Let’s start from the beginning…
- I did not say that all Ron Paul supporters are terrorist. I merely pointed out that “terrorist” organizations (KKK, White Power, etc…) and their members do support Ron Paul. HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THIS … WHERE DO YOU GET THIS DIS-INFORMATION … Ruin someone’s reputation by association … For the most part the rest of the Ron Paul supporters are indeed the self deluded “sheeple” that you speak of. YOU WANNA DEFINE WHAT A SHEEPLE IT … I DON’T CONSIDER ME AND MY FRIENDS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS ‘SHEEPLE’ … MORE DISINFORMATION … Their support for a marginal candidate forces them to the margins where they are ignored (rightly so).
Do you know who David Duke is? Former Head of the KKK. Try visiting his Website
and see who he supports. Hint. It’s ain’t Hillary. And check groups like
See a pattern developing?
I did not say Ron Paul welcomed them to his team, just that they are on his team.Sheeple. I did not first call you that. I was referring to you being called that by someone else responding to me. Since I guess that you are a little slow witted at putting words together Imagine Sheep-people. Now say it fast. Sheeple. Sheep are led around and you are being led around.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheeple
Ron Paul is the Magicians Right Hand (Updated)
In response to emails on the post below someone wote to me the following (see the block quotes).
Haaa!! We know who the real terrorists are don’t we? And it’s not the Ron Paul supporters!
I encourage everyone to get involved in their city, county and state governments…run for office…run for sheriff and deputize like minds. That is the only way we will ever see freedom in this country. Homeland security starts at home! Notice how the “other” side refers to Guy Faulks as a terrorist, that is because the word “patriot” is NOT in their vocabulary, why? Because “they” are the terrorists. They are labeling patriotic American citizens as terrorists and dissidents. Fox news had a guest on a while ago, and the guy said that all “dissidents” (Patriotic American Citizens) should be tased and beaten to a pulp! Now, if someone from our camp were to say that privately or publicly, the whole lot of us would be jailed as terrorists and probably tortured and held without trial.
 I did not say that all Ron Paul supporters are terrorist. I merely pointed out that “terrorist” organizations (KKK, White Power, etc…) and their members do support Ron Paul. For the most part the rest of the Ron Paul supporters are indeed the self deluded “sheeple” that you speak of. Their support for a marginal candidate forces them to the margins where they are ignored (rightly so).
I am still waiting on a single Ron Paul acolyte to explain to me how and why Ron Paul choose to align himself and his campaign with Guy Fawkes? Also what they mean by the “other side”. Winners write the history books. Guy Fawkes lost. He is defined as a terrorist. If he had succeeded in his quest to blow up Parliament, the King and replace Protestant Rule of England with rule by the Pope then he would have been a Papal Patriot. Wonder how David Duke and the other White Power folks reconcile their support for Ron Paul with the Paulistas championing of an executed Papists terrorist. Maybe birds of a feather…
You also assume that terrorist and patriot are either mutually inclusive or mutually exclusive. The aren’t. Can a terrorist be a patriot? Sure (see someone like Menachem Begin – Israeli Prime Minster in later life and head of the Irgun in early life). But are all terrorist patriots? Of course not. If they were that would make Ted Kazinski (the Unabomber) a patriot instead of a disturbed criminal.
That’s not to say that Ron Paul supporters are now to be considered either Terrorist, Patriots or Criminals. That could instead for the most part be described just as you did as being Sheeple. Disturbed Sheeple but sheeple nonetheless. They are following the Cult of Ron. Their mentality kinda reminds me of the incongruity evidenced by the kids that dress in Goth type clothing so as to not look like everyone else when in fact they are looking like everyone that the hang out with. Just more sheeple following a fad.
Ron Paul Supporters – What DUMBA**ES (Updated)
A few days ago a guy I get email from sent me some nonsense about how the “military” is supporting that LOSER Ron Paul.
I responded that I did not want to see anymore Ron Paul crap. He came back that since I am from a “Military Family” had I watched the video links in his message?
Yes I am from a Military family and I was both an Air Force Cadet (went on exchange with the Israeli Air Force) and I worked as a covert contractor overseas for one of the three-lettered agencies.I can probably speak for ALL my Relatives – retired Army Officer, Retired Navy Officer, Retired Air Force Master Sergeant and my currently serving Cousin (leading an Interrogation unit in Iraq with the Army) and my Step Brother in the Air Force – concerning Ron Paul. He is an IDIOT. We have no time for someone that is a xenophobe, stick his head in the sand and wish the hob-goblins of the world would not bother us. He and his ilk (Pat Buchanan, etc…) are MORONS.
I actually watched the Glen Beck show that they took those videos from. I would say I would agree with Chuchill’s Grandson echoing his Grandpa rather than Ron Paul following the footsteps of Neville Chamberlain. Was Horowitz a marxist. Sure. But Reagan was an FDR Democrat. So what’s your point? Churchill said that if as a young man you are not liberal then you have no heart but if you aren’t conservative when you get older then you have no brain.
Can you explain WHY Ron Paul picked Guy Fawkes day? He chose it and he made the comparison. He has to take the bad image with the good. Guy Fawkes by any measure was a terrorist. And of course the real irony is that Guy Fawkes day celebrates the fact that Guy Fawkes failed. Ron Paul will fail too. Even if he somehow managed to win a single primary (he won’t) he would go down as the biggest loser in an historical landslide election that would make Jimmy Carter look positively popular by comparison.
Why you say NO to “special” lug nuts
This evening an electrician took my (unattended) Server center down. So I rush over to bring the servers back on line.
I pull in the parking lot and there is a guy sitting in his car on his cel. Trunk open and battery cables lying on the ground.
I ask, “Need a jump?” Nope he has a flat tire and can I help him.
I then noticed that he has a crippled left arm so of course I jump in to get the tire changed for him.
Hmmm…. Who put this monster wooden box which huge ass speakers in your truck that has to be removed to get to the stupid ass don-nut spare and jack out of your car I wonder to myself as I remove said box.
Get jack under car and get it partially lifted. Remove cover on the wheels to get to the lug nuts.
Lug wrench is way to BIG for the lug nuts. I reached in to feel the lug nuts (I forgot to mention he parked in just about the darkest part of the parking lot) and they felt “weird”. They are “kinda” rounded with slots running down the length. The guy remembers that he has a special tool for the lug nuts and gets it’s out of the glove box along with a barely useable flash light
You have about 3/4″ of an inch access to the lug nuts. The special tool is about 3″ long and the standard lung wrench fits onto it (although pretty sloppy fit). That means that the leverage force you are applying to this 3/4″ lug nut is about 5″ out in space.
Managed to massage four of the lug nuts loose. The fifth however… Someone had been a little eager with their impact wrench.
Downstairs from the server room is a full service sign shop that a friend of mine owns. I have the keys to the building so I’ll grab some tools. I take one of the lug nuts with me and discover that this a 16mm socket is just a hair to small and a 17mm socket is just as much too big. Same with trying standard sockets. Can’t get enough purchase or angle to try and use a crescent wrench.
Ended up putting his stuff back in the trunk and helping him call a tow truck to take the car and drop it off at a tire store.
Moral of the story. Special lug nuts are not worth it. I would rather have some steal my wheels then to have my “anti-theft” solution leave me stranded on the side of the road and unable to replace a flat tire.
Dave’s Four Bite Chili Recipe
When you taste the chili you will find that the heat slowly builds with each of the first four bites and then remains constant without getting any spicier. By the fourth bite there will be a warm tingle at the back of your mouth and a slight burning around the outer edges of your lips. Unlike lots of other hot foods your tongue should not really be feeling any heat so that you are able to taste the full flavor of this chili.
F*** Crow T-shirt
My Letter to the Editor
Last month we had F*** Bush and this month we get F*** Crow. Since I am a Fraternity member (Sigma Chi) and for a time the Alum that Crow MOST hated I would like to weigh in on this matter.
Crow is certainly seeking to remake ASU. Some of those changes I welcome while others I’m still waiting to see. That said, Crow seems to have certainly toned down his “Sherman’s March to the Sea” approach as he seeks to implement his vision.
When Crow first arrived he certainly seemed hell bent on driving the Fraternities from campus. I was seated less then 10 feet away from Dr. Crow on September 27, 2002 when the Regents approved the sale of the Alpha Dr. properties to the Fraternities. I related the following story at the time to our Alums.
“While I was seated with other members of Alpha Drive house corporations (Pike, Sigma Nu and Sig Ep) waiting for the meeting to get started Michael Crow (the new ASU President) walks over and is talking to a couple seated in the row in front of us (he has never met any of us) and I overhear him talking to them about Fraternities. He certainly let slip his personal animus towards Greek Letter societies. He said “When I left to go to school my father said to stay away from anything with Greek Letters so when my Phi Beta Kappa arrived I threw it in the trash”. Now does that indicate a deep-seated bias and outright hostility??”
1st Amendment at CSU – making a Professor cry uncle
The following is a “Letter to the Editor” that I sent in this morning in reply to an Editorial in the State Press newspaper (reprinted below my letter).
UPDATE: Below this is an email exchange with a Teacher of Constitutional Law.
The opinion expressed in the F*** BUSH editorial demonstrators the truth about navels (a**holes, etc…). Everybody has one.
The Editor of the CSU Paper does have a First Amendment right to tell Bush to “F***” off. If he wanted to go stand on a street corner and hand out flyers that he had personally made and personally paid to have duplicated at Kinkos on his own dime that would be an example of his exercising his First Amendment rights. But to say he had a “right” to print it in the School paper is STUPID and UNINFORMED.
The CSU paper has established guidelines for printing offensive language in editorials. Those guidelines were established by the Paper and not by Congress – last time I looked the First Amendment applied to laws passed by Congress and not the published Editorial policy of the paper (see page 18 of the CSU Paper’s policy on Editorials) which states: “Even though profane and vulgar words are part of everyday conversation, they are not to be used in news accounts or letters to the editor unless they are considered by the editor-in-chief to be essential to readers’ understanding of the situation. Use of words viewed as vulgar and profane also should not overshadow other, more important facts of the story. Profane and vulgar words are not acceptable for opinion writing”
Your own Editorial hit the proverbial nail when you wrote “In this respect, the editorial in question failed entirely. We learn nothing about the Taser incident, or Bush. Nothing is presented in the way of argument or intent.”
Joseph Smith, The Prophet of the Restoration
Good morning Brothers and Sisters.
As you can tell from the talks by my daughter Allison and my wife Lori – twenty years married as of yesterday afternoon – we were asked to speak on the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith. As a predicate and in preparation to our talks we were asked to view the film “Joseph Smith, The Prophet of the Restoration” at the Temple Visitors Center. The film gives a very broad overview of the Prophets life, as would be expected in a film that is just an hour long. The film attempts to cover the Prophets life from a small child to his death at Carthage.
For me the entire scope of the film and the role that Joseph played in the Restoration of the Gospel of Christ was outlined in a quote from an 1838 speech to the Harvard Divinity College shown at the very beginning of the film from the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson. Coincidentally, 1838 is the same year that construction of the temple in Kirtland commenced.
“Men have come to speak of revelation as long ago given and done, as if God were dead. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was, that he speaketh, not spake… The need was never greater of new revelation than now.”
While it was and continues to be the “popular” and accepted belief amongst the rest of the Christian churches that revelation and prophets would cease after Christ that very idea goes against the very word of Christ as recorded in the Gospels.
Matthew 23:24
“Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:”
The logic that there would be continuing revelation and prophets is born out by the additional logic also found in Matthew 7:15-20
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them”
Obviously if there are to be false prophets it stands to reason that there must be true prophets.
But why do we need prophets?
Ephesians 2:19-20 outlines how the church must be established.
“And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;”
Two chapters later in Ephesians 4:11-14 Paul further describes the structure of Christ’s Church.
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”
So we need prophets and teachers to show us stability and lead us in perfecting ourselves in the eyes of the Lord.
Joseph Smith was that teacher and prophet.
That then got me thinking about what role a teacher plays in our lives and how we should then view the Prophets life.
I served my mission in Korea in 1982-1984 and if you ever visit the country, especially the capital, Seoul, there is a site that may strike you as rather odd. At night when you look across the city in residential areas you will be surprised at the number of red neon crosses that dot the illuminated landscape. Koreans always seemed to ask why our church did not have a cross on its roof.
We came up with a standard analogy that explained that we worshiped Christ’s life, teachings and his resurrection. Not the manner of his death. For example, if Christ had been run over by a bus would they expect that we would put an image of a bus on the top of the Church or if he had been stoned to death should we put up rock?
The important and symbolic messages to take away from the Gospels is not how Christ died, but rather that he did die and was then resurrected thereby paving the way for us to follow him home.
Therefore, if Joseph is the modern teacher and restorer of Christ’s message what is the most important aspect of the Prophets life and how we should relate to him?
Should we worship Joseph? Should we worship Mormon or any of the other ancient or modern prophets and apostles? Those outside the church certainly think that we either worship Joseph or Mormon. However we do not worship Joseph or any of the Prophets for that matter. We revere, respect and honor them for the sacrifices they made but we do not worship them.
In researching and preparing this talk I came across an interesting analogy to the role that Joseph (and other prophets) played in preparing us for Christ’s ministry and for his second coming.
Prophets are like a telephone and Christ and the atonement are the phone call. They are the instruments or conduits through which we receive Christ’s message. When we use a devotional meeting like a Sacrament meeting to discuss the life of Joseph Smith, I feel that we run the risk of saying, for a moment at least, the medium through which our understanding of the gospel was delivered is more important than the gospel itself. That is something we have to caution against. Rather a discussion of the role that Joseph or other prophets played should honor the trying circumstances that they had to endure in the trials of their faith along with the continual repentance that they went through.
Remember, most of us here were born or raised in the Church. The lessons of baptism, repentance and the Lord’s Plan of Salvation as we have been taught to understand them are or should be second nature for us. For Joseph and the other early Latter-Day Saints this was all new territory that was being revealed to them. The lessons that the Lord was revealing were provided, to use an old phrase, step-by step and precept by precept. Just like there is a decided difference in the understanding and knowledge that a first grader has on their first day of Primary school compared to the understanding that a High School Senior on Graduation day has so too is our understanding of the Lord’s Gospel compared to the understanding back in Joseph’s time. Yet, even we are barely out of diapers.
Joseph Smith was a prophet with a great message. In religious settings, his message should be celebrated. But he wasn’t the message, and he wasn’t the primary author of the message. That Author should be celebrated in our worship services and not His servants. After all, the mission of the church is to bring people to Christ, not to Joseph Smith.
Of course, Joseph was more than a passive conduit of divine information and he was more than a means for teaching the timeless message of Christ. Much about Joseph has permanently shaped us as a people and as a culture. I think there should absolutely be celebration and commemoration of his life. That celebration should involve trying to get to know him and thinking about the human and cultural contributions of his life — the contributions that even the most devout believers can agree are genuinely Joseph’s. But I think this kind of humanistic celebration of Joseph the man clearly isn’t part of the church’s mission. Instead, this is something that belongs squarely in the realm of Mormon culture and society.
A few weeks ago we had a combined Relief Society and Priesthood meeting with “tag-team” lessons provided by our two resident Seminary Teachers.
In the session that Brother Miller taught I kind of short-circuited his lesson when he began by showing a bunch of books. The Scriptures, some Church publications like the Ensign along with some lesson prep materials and study guides. His first question was which of these books was the most important? I answered and said it was obvious. The Scriptures were the most important because they were the source material and most of the other books and magazines were others interpretations of the Scriptures.
Turning back to Ralph Waldo Emerson, a minister himself in the Unitarian Church. He argued that relying on the words of another, be they priest or parent, was a barrier rather than a bridge to God. If we are merely repeating what we learn without engaging our own intellect, without searching for God on our own terms, then our beliefs have nothing to do with a true knowledge of God but instead are based on whatever we happen to learn and interpret from those around us, who likewise learned their lessons by rote from their elders.
This is probably one of the best and strongest lessons that we can take from the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
The story of the restoration always begins with Joseph reading the Bible and discovering the passage in James 1:5 that reads:
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraindeth not, and it shall be given him.”
It is also interesting to note that this same advice is given repeatedly in the Bible and not just in James. It can be found Matthew, Luke, John and other books.
Let’s look at that quote from Emerson again that is the very beginning of the film on the Prophets life but let’s start a little earlier in his speech to the Harvard Divinity School Senior class. Emerson had little time for a strict reliance on just the Bible, he felt that it kept Christianity in stasis forever looking backward.
“The stationariness of religion, the assumption that the age of inspiration is past, that the Bible is closed. . . indicate with sufficient clearness the falsehood of our theology. It is the office of a true teacher to show us that God is, not was; that he speaketh, not spake.”
Instead he saw a living, personal relationship with God independent of others’ thoughts or intervention as the only possible course.
The role that Joseph played in the restoration was to provide us that road map to obtaining our own personal relationship with God. When Joseph died at Carthage Jail – and I have visited that site and I have seen the faded blood stains on the floor of that room for myself and it is hard to comprehend that the Prophet and his brother Hyrum knew before they traveled voluntarily to that place that they would not return alive – he was sealing his testimony and the testimony of the other witnesses of the restoration with his own blood. That visit to Carthage also touched me in a personal way because the Martyrdom of the Prophet occurred on my birthday. Something I do reflect on, even if only briefly, every June 27.
For that sacrifice we should honor and revere his life. But we should not worship him.
Joseph, like all men was deeply flawed and he himself said so repeatedly.
In the excellent history of the Prophets life, “Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling” that I picked up a year or so ago there are a number of excellent anecdotes that bring the Prophet Joseph to life including the Prophet answering his critics that thought his behavior was not in keeping with what they imagined a Prophet to be. Remember their only understanding of what a Prophet is and was came to them through the Bible and we certainly don’t know much about the personal lives of the Prophets of old like Moses, Noah or Abraham let alone the Apostles that served with Christ. Most of the life of Christ is a blank slate too. We are certainly fortunate that we have scholars that are able to research and write about the lives of the modern Prophets like Joseph, Brigham and Gordon B. Hinckley.
In the book “Rough Stone Rolling” Joseph is quoted from his Journal…
“Many think a prophet must be a great deal better then any body else,” he told a congregation. But if he were that much better, Joseph said with characteristic hyperbole, “I would be raised up to the highest heaven, and who should I have to accompany me?”
Joseph did not offer himself as an example of perfection. Rather he told his followers not to expect perfection. In fact he was brought before a Church court twice because he had been too rough in scolding members.
We all think we know the story of Joseph obtaining the Plates. But how many of us know that the Lord chastened Joseph when he first saw the plates? As Joseph related:
“felt a severe shock when he touched the plates, and that the angel appeared and severely rebuked him. Joseph reported three failed attempts at lifting out the plates, causing him to cry “unto the Lord in the agony of my Soul why I can not obtain them.”
The angel told him that he was
“…tempted of the advisary and saught the Plates to obtain riches and kept not the commandment that I should have an eye single to the glory of God therefore I was chastened and saught diligently to obtain the plates and obtained them not until I was twenty-on years of age.”
Joseph was not yet ready for that task and responsibility but the goal was placed before him to learn and prepare for that day. Alvin, Joseph’s oldest Brother’s dying command to his younger brother was
“to be a good boy and do everything in your power to obtain the record.”
Reading the descriptions of the young Joseph from his own hand and those of his family he certainly sounds like a typical teenager when he was growing up. Including a period of time that he was a “skeptic”. At times when he was younger and before embarking on the path of restoring the gospel it sounds like at times he had more in common with Lamen and Lemuel then Nephi.
Fortunately for the Lord’s plan and for us today Joseph did persevere but he certainly seemed to be plagued by worries through out his life. In a Journal that he kept he wrote the following in December of 1832:
“Oh Lord deliver thy servant out of temptation and fill his heart with wisdom and understanding.”
Joseph was a very complex person with swings in mood and temperament. He could be loud and boisterous one minute and then brooding and solemn the next.
Again we have to remember that the formation of the Church, the restoration of the gospel, the translation of the Plates and the delivery of the spurts of revelations that he was receiving were all new things. He did not have a road map to follow. Joseph was forging the restoration of the Church as had been commanded by the Lord all the while being beset by opposition. Is it any wonder that he was at times confused as to what he should do?
His journal entries reveal a striving young man uncertain of his standing with God, yearning to be worthy and grateful when he finds peace. Joseph was beset throughout his ministry by contention from within and without the Church. Leadership and steadfastness to keeping our eyes on the final goal of eternal salvation are lessons we can draw from his life.
One of the main examples of Joseph’s life that we can apply to our own as we seek to learn from him as a teacher and ultimately as a conduit for the Lord’s message is that we must persevere to the end. All of us will and do experience temptation and doubt. By continuing to believe and work toward repentance and redemption we will find salvation. Who knows, somewhere along the line we will be able to leave our mark and influence someone else
In May of 1844, barely a month before his death, Joseph was visited by a small delegation that included the son of the former US President John Quincy Adams and a man named Josiah Quincy who was the son of the President of Harvard and whom would be elected Mayor of Boston the following year.
Writing four decades after that meeting Josiah Quincy said:
“It is by no means improbable that some future text-book, for the use of generations yet unborn, will contain a question something like this: What historical American of the nineteenth century has exerted the most powerful influence upon the destinies of his countrymen? And it is by no means impossible that the answer to the interrogatory may be thus written: Joseph Smith the Mormon prophet.”
Joseph described himself as:
“…but a man…a plain, untutored man; seeking what he should do to be saved.”
His revelations enabled him, as one scholar said of prophets,
“to do unaccustomed things.”
Joseph said his calling was to
“lay a foundation that will revolutionize the whole world.”
Revelation was the essence of his religion.
“Take away the book of Mormon, and revelations, and where is our religion? We have none.”
Joseph received revelation exactly as Christians thought biblical prophets did. But if modern revelation is unimaginable, why believe revelation occurred in the past?
Joseph’s whole life can be encompassed in the question: does God speak?
Joseph has forced the question of revelation on a culture struggling with it’s own faith. Joseph’s historical role, as he understood it, was to give God a voice in a world that had stopped listening.
In 2nd Nephi 29: 3-4 it says:
“The Gentiles say, A Bible, a Bible, we have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible”
D&C 20: 11-12 provides the Lord’s answer:
“Proving to the world that the holy scriptures are true, and that God does inspire men and call them to his holy work in this age and generation, as well as in generations of old;
Thereby showing that he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Amen”
In reply to a minister asking how to distinguish the doctrine of “Mormonism”, Joseph replied that “we believe the bible, and they do not.” It was the power of the Bible that Joseph sought to recover. Not finding it in the existing churches he looked to God to recover it.
William Phelps wrote a Hymn for the dedication of the Kirtland Temple that we all know the words to:
“The Spirit of God like a fire is burning;
The latter-day glory begins to come forth;
The visions and blessings of old are returning,
The angels are coming to visit the earth.
We call in our Solemn assemblies, in spirit,
To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad,
That we through our faith may begin to inherit
The visions, and blessings, and glories of God.”
It is my testimony to you that if we help to continue to further this revolution we will be able to see to our own salvation and obtain those blessings and glories for ourselves and our families.
see to our own salvation and obtain those blessings and glories for ourselves and our families.
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