Purpose of this Site (The Home Page)The Company History of Splash Custom Pools and Spas (SplashWorks, LLC)Who's Who in the Cast of CharactersCurrent Legal Status of the Three Law Suits and the One ROC complaintStarting Over with a new company out of the ashes of Splash Custom Pools and SpasOpposite Point of View from the other Side (Responsibility in Free Speech)Email Between the Warring FactionsEmail from Visitors Like YouAwesome Audio Clips!!!

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The Sordid History of
Splash Custom Pools and Spas
(as used by SplashWorks, LLC)*

1995 - Beginning

1996 - Success

1997 - Destruction

In the summer of 1994 my best friend, John Merrell, operated a sole proprietor pool service company operating under the name Splash Pool Service. John had been running that company very successfully since 1982. In July of that year, 1994, John broke his leg at a church softball game shortly after he had hired two new employees to help him through the difficult summer months. For a pool service owner this could have been devastating since the amount of work required on a pool goes up astronomically during the summer and especially during the late summer in Phoenix due to our monsoons.

Complaints from John's customers skyrocketed during July and August due to this unfortunate incident. However, primarily due to John's long established reputation with his customers he was able to weather the storm (pardon the pun) and stay in business. Over the fall and winter of that year I saw John unable to overcome the depression that had descended upon him from the summer and when he introduced me to Michael Conway I thought I saw a way that I could help John out of his predicament.


In the interest of fairness I have set up an area for Mike, Greg, Marc, Kyle and Steve to put up their side of the story. Click here to be taken there now. Note it maybe awhile before this happens though since I just decided today to provide them with this ability. Also since the lame html used on the "other" Splash home page has not changed they may not know how to write some simple html

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*The information supplied on these pages is drawn from various official sources and first person recollections and the conclusions reflect my personal interpretation and opinions.